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Custom SNI when making HTTP requests with Ruby net/http and Faraday

17 Nov 2020

The way Ruby’s net/http library exposes customization of SNI (Sever Name Indication) is quite counterintuitive at the first sight. It is also pretty much not documented. I discovered it through this closed feature request and the relevant source code.

In this article I’m going to share two small code snippets on how to do that: (1) with net/http directly (2) with Faraday gem. Let’s assume our domain is example.com and we want to force HTTPS requests to it to forced-endpoint.com server.

Directly with net/http

require 'net/http'

uri = URI('https://example.com')

Net::HTTP.start(uri.host, uri.port, use_ssl: true, ipaddr: 'forced-endpoint.com') do |http|
  request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri)
  response = http.request(request)

  p response.code
  p response.each_header.to_h.to_s

Using Faraday gem

require 'faraday'

conn = Faraday.new('https://example.com') do |f|
  f.adapter :net_http do |http|
    http.ipaddr = 'forced-endpoint.com'

response = conn.get('/')
p response.status

Both code snippet will result in TCP connection to forced-endpoint.com, where TLS handshake is done using example.com as SNI while HTTP Host header is set to example.com.

In both cases the key is setting ipaddr attribute. One can also set it to a specific IP address. That is where the counterintuitiveness of this (at the first sight) configuration comes from: you have to mention address for TCP/socket layer in order to force net/http to use provided host as SNI. What would seemingly be more intuitive is to explicitly set SNI, for example that is how Go does it using TLSClientConfig.ServerName attribute. However if you think about it a bit more, Ruby’s approach is arguably better! The author of the related patch explains it in this comment as to why he chose to expose overriding of ipaddr for underlying TCP connection instead of the SNI. The tldr; is that when you override SNI, most of the times you also want to override HTTP Host header so that they are the same - that is also how curl with its --resolve argument works.

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